Thursday, March 24, 2011

Losing a friend

A few years ago I lost a close friend of mine. Actually she just disappeared from my life. I miss what we had so much.

It amazes me how you can be going through one of the worst things in your life and a friend just walks away. I was rushed to the hospital with a severe infection and had to have emergency surgery. My husband called my "best friend" to let her know what was going on, I haven't heard from her since.

Next week will be the 4 year anniversary of that time. It has been on my mind a lot recently. How can someone walk away from 10 years of friendship. There was no fight, no disagreement, nothing went wrong.....she was just gone.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break, Spring Break, Spring Break

If I say it three times and and click my heals, it will get here faster! We aren't going anywhere, but my students and their families really need a break. When talking with them, you get the feeling that this has been a hard winter and a week off can not get here soon enough.

For myself, I finally get to put my office together!!! :-) I am looking forward to having the time to pull everything out, put my new bookshelves together and put it all back together. The mess will be overwhelming but it will be worth it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Weather and Testing

What a way to start ISTEP testing, not only is it a Monday but we also had horrible storms come through Indiana overnight. Tornadoes, flooding and power outages throughout the state. Last night as I sat in my basement thinking that I won't get much sleep before I go and proctor test, I started thinking about the students. Students that already have test anxiety may end up with even higher anxiety with the storms. How would the they handle getting woken up at 2:30 in the morning to go to their basements?

When I arrived this morning, I was surprised to see how many wide awake kiddos were. Some almost seemed excited to be here. I'm sure it has more to do with seeing their friends and classmates than with the ISTEPs..... :-)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Indiana Weather

December is upon us and the weather has turned, however it has turned to the extremes. Last week the highs with in 20's, today its in the 40's and raining, tomorrow the highs will be in the 20's again with snow. I understand that weather changes constantly, but this is ridiculous. It is two weeks before Christmas and it is suppose to be in the 40/30's and snow.... Come on...make up your mind!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spring: Gardens, Flowers and Allergies

I love spring. I hate spring. The flowers, our garden, the trees, mowing....all things that I love, but all things that make me miserable. The cottonwood is going crazy this year and hence my allergies are going crazy. Yesterday as I sat in the living room, it looked as if it was snowing: beautiful, white, fluffy things flying through the air.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Spring....the hopes and joys are overwhelming. Wow!!! It has been a busy spring. As I sit here right now, I can smell the fresh dirt from the farmer planting corn behind my house. Nothing smells better than fresh cut grass and newly plowed soil. It has been a great spring for planting. Most of the farmers around us are all on schedule.

My back has finally healed enough that I have been able to start mowing (riding mower) and working more outside. This means that soon, very soon I will be able to ride my horse again. It has been almost 3 years since I've been able to ride.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

End of day 1 of sewing

Oh my goodness....there is a lot more to sewing than I ever thought. Beverly is very patient with me and has taught me so much already. The one thing I'm good at is making button holes. We are a little over half done with my pajama pants and then I have a blanket to hem and a pillow to make.